Saturday 20 October 2012

Table Top PLARAIL Layout 4 - Bigger and flat

I've shortened the legs on an old coffee table we have, so we've got more table-top space than ever!
Also we've got some new green card on the top to give a bit of a grass effect.
This is a nice, flat layout designed to be easy for the boys to play on. There are four separate routes. The outer two are for passenger trains and the inner two for freight.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

EF6019 / Tomica Long Cargo Train (Tomica 85115) Unboxing and Review

I've just received the Tomica Hypercity set 85115, typically sold here in the UK as "Tomica Long Cargo Train". In the set is an EF6019 locomotive and 5 different trucks.

First up is the box. Nothing much to say about this. Lots of straight edges and 90 degree corners - much like other boxes. Everything seems to be well protected.

EF6019 Locomotive
This is what drew me to the set in the first place. The EF6019. It's a good-looking Japanese locomotive, and makes a nice change from all those shinkansen and Tokyo metro types that usually draw all the attention.

The EF60's actually a rather old vehicle. 143 of them were built in the early 60's (thank you Wikipedia), mostly to haul freight but some for sleeping car passenger services. They were all withdrawn from regular use by the mid 80's, with a few being maintained for special use. In particular EF60-19 on which this toy is based. EF60-19 is still used for occasional passenger services. It's seen a variety of different liveries over the years. The blue livery here is the current one.

I think this is probably the most detailed Tomy/Tomica train I've seen. That's not to say it's got hugely more detail than anything else, but with the top and bottom lights on the front and back, the train number on the side, and detailed windows and vents, it's just got to be the best I've seen.

One small negative is the windows at the front and rear. These are just cut-outs through which you can see the battery compartment and engine respectively. I guess that's necessary for ventilation, but it would look a little better if they were coloured plastic.

Running it around our test track, it was quite quick and quiet compared to other engines. That could just be the effect of new gears and fresh grease though.

Battery: C type. The train unclips into two pieces, like most Plarail trains, but inside the battery is held by a cover held by a screw. Good news if you've got younger children (like me) who can't resist taking the batteries out and hiding them down the back of the sofa!

Rating: 5/5. A good looking loco with above-average detail.

Container trucks
These were another selling point of this set for me. In the UK most trucks readily available are Thomas the Tank Engine troublesome trucks or similar. These are modern container freight, although the Tomica logo probably isn't one you'll see on a real train.

The containers themselves are loose and come off easily. Unfortunately they are pretty cosmetic - basically just boxes with the bottom missing. They aren't designed so that a child can put something inside and then set the train going to deliver it to another station or anything like that. I guess something could be put underneath each container though.

There's a possibility of customising these quite easily btw. taskforce2008 has put a number of images on line which you should be able to print and stick over the top of the Tomica stickers: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Rating: 4/5. A great truck, different to most other rolling stock available. Playability could be better for young children. For the less young, perhaps more realistic colours would be preferable?

A nice detailed shape, although the sticker doesn't fit properly. You probably can't make it out in the picture, but the sticker with "01" on it is part red, part yellow, and needs to be stuck on at exactly the right spot to line up with the red and yellow plastic. Unfortunately the top side of the sticker overlaps the black plastic above it and so its corner is slightly raised away from the plastic. Just a matter of time before this comes off...

Rating: 3/5. Pretty average rolling stock. Nice shape, you might not like the colour, no special play potential.

Green wagon
For all it's bright greenness, this is quite a good-looking wagon. Detail, including decals, is good, and give this a rather realistic effect. It doesn't open up or anything.

Rating: 4/5. Detailing makes this quite realistic in spite of the colour.

Red wagon
This is the worst of the batch. The colour might hurt your eyes if you stare at it for too long. Entirely bright red, except for the HC (Hyper City) letters. It's the least realistic of the trucks in this set.

However.... it does have a little secret. Squeeze the sides and the top comes off (in the same way as many of the locomotives). Inside is what looks like a seat for a Tomica figure and possibly a bit of space behind it for something else.

Rating: 3/5. Hideous colour and lack of realism, offset by playability that might appeal to younger children.

Another big plus point of this set, at least for those buying it for children. An average Tomica/Matchbox/etc toy car will fit on top of this flatbed, and will be held in place by some raised plastic bits at front, back and sides. It just makes the whole things a bit more engaging for a young child to play with.

Cosmetically it looks okay on it's own. Coupled with our Yamazaki bread van, it looks pretty good.

Rating: 4/5. Again something different to the average, and for the younger child makes the train a bit more interactive.

Other shots & Conclusion

Overall this set is great value for money. In the UK I picked it up for £15 including delivery, which for a nice engine and some good rolling stock is very impressive.

Oddly the locomotive has realistic detail and colour based closely on the actual EF60-19, whereas the rolling stock is Tomica fantasy land colours and designs. Still the rolling stock offers some good play potential for children, with three of the trucks having some extra interactivity.